Anita, darling

Oops I almost forgot to write. I still have two hours in Lousiana.

imageI don’t have much to say tonight. Yesterday I slept for 20 hours because I am convinced I’m sick. Today, there is still a little dab of pain in the back of my throat but maybe that’s what anxiety feels like.

I really like 101 Dalmatians because of the dogs and stuff but also because of Anita and Roger. Roger is pursuing his dreams no matter what and Anita works hard to help support that dream even if it means dealing with a dreadful boss.

They are underrated. Most of the Disney human characters tend to come from wealthy background. Even Cinderella ends up living in a castle at the end. Anita and Roger don’t get that. Instead, they have more puppy mouths to feed and simply look at that as a blessing.

I think that’s the real Disney love story. Fall in love awkwardly, because no love story is ever perfect, then work hard for that love.

When I was a freshman, some of my older friends expressed their desires to not do the Army forever or to do something less time consuming within it. I didn’t understand that. But, I think I am starting to.

it’s kind of scary to redefine what happiness if for yourself but if you don’t, you’ll never be able to redirect yourself from driving off the cliff.

I’m redirecting and I’m scared but I’m glad that life lets you try out different things.

I want to be Anita not Cinderella and it is okay to be Cinderella! Heck, if I won the lottery I would readjust my happiness path again.